Checklists for Financial Advisors Clients
Checklists for Client Education

Smart Retirees 10 Step Checklist
By Carolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Elder Law Attorney, and Dr. Mikol Davis, Geriatric Psychologist
This is a quick reminder for anyone at or near retirement age to take on the new responsibility you now have in reaching this point in life. Prepare your loved ones and yourself with the discussions and documents you and your family need.
Get your free checklist now by clicking on the green button below!
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Tip Sheet For Families With An Older Driver
By Carolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Elder Law Attorney, and Dr. Mikol Davis, Geriatric Psychologist
Do you have an aging loved one who is still driving, but making you uncomfortable because they have problems and are dangerous behind the wheel? If you aren’t sure what to do to get your elder to stop driving, look at this checklist for some steps to get you started so you can keep him or her safe.
Get your free tips sheet by clicking on the green button!
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AARP’s Guide to Protecting Yourself From Fraud
By Carolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Elder Law Attorney, and Dr. Mikol Davis, Geriatric Psychologist
No matter how smart we are, no one is immune from fraud. Learn best ways to outwit the scammers with this tip sheet from AARP. Your awareness can save you (or aging loved ones) from clever thieves bent on getting money or stealing identities.
Get your guide by clicking on the green button!
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Talk to Your Aging Clients About Money – Your Ten Step Checklist
By Carolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Elder Law Attorney, and Dr. Mikol Davis, Geriatric Psychologist
This is a great guide to help you best approach older clients about this most emotional subject. We make the conversation less stressful.
Get your free checklist now by clicking on the green button below!
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Warning Signs of Financial Elder Abuse Checklist
By Carolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Elder Law Attorney, and Dr. Mikol Davis, Geriatric Psychologist
Everyone needs to understand what to look for if you suspect a loved one is being financially abused. Use this quick checklist to help you see when you need to be concerned.
Get your free checklist now by clicking on the green button below!
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