FINRA, together with the SEC and NASAA are on a joint mission to keep seniors and impaired adults from being financially abused. FINRA has proposed new rules that will allow a firm to put a temporary hold on financial transactions when abuse is suspected, and will allow the firm to contact a trusted other during this hold period.
Where’s the flaw? No rule yet mandates that every financial firm and every individual advisor obtain information for a trusted contact person for every client. Not only should this be required for all new accounts, it should be mandated that such trusted others be identified for every client over age 65. As the risk of dementia doubles approximately every five years after age 65, the reasons for the advisor to have someone to call when concerns arise is obvious.
As to the subject of the trusted other, the elder usually names an adult son or daughter as the trusted one. Sometimes that is all the information the advisor has. At the same time, the studies on elder financial abuse show us that family members are the most frequent abusers. Do you see the contradiction here? Every advisor should be required to obtain not only one “trusted person” but two or three so that if abuse is going on or seems to be a threat, the advisor can involve more than one person in the effort to stop it.
Another flaw in the proposed rule is that is it assumed that something helpful will occur during the hold period when the institution is excused from liability for not acting. But there is no clear evidence that either advisors or institutions are being trained to spot financial abuse warning signs before the money is all drained from the account. As we see it, the proposed rule focuses on doing something after abuse is clear and the institution has “a reasonable belief” that financial abuse is occurring. We think the industry can do much better than reacting by being required to call someone after the client has been taken advantage of or had the portfolio plundered.
Here’s the truth: getting an unwilling aging person to step down from financial authority over his portfolio takes more than a few days or a couple of weeks. If there is a trust in place and the elder is the trustee, the terms often state that at least one doctor, or two must say that the client is no longer capable of handling financial matters. Getting a doctor or two to see the client, do an assessment and produce something in writing with the needed findings can take months. And we’ve witnessed this exact scenario when it did take three months to oust the impaired, demented senior who wanted to give his predatory adult child a debit card for his cash management account.
At, where we educate both financial institutions and independent advisors about stopping financial abuse, we think the effort to keep elders financially safer needs to go to the front end of abuse, not the back end after it has happened. Proactive steps can be taken. We urge every financial professional to know the warning signs of diminished capacity so you can engage the trusted third party when the signs emerge, rather than waiting until someone, whether family or outside predator seizes the opportunity to exploit diminished capacity.
To learn more about what you or your institution can do that we think is much better than simply being allowed to hold transactions for a bit when you believe abuse is going on, contact us at We have an entire program outline ready for you with focus on prevention.
If your client is being manipulated, holding transactions when you’re pretty sure it’s gone on can do little to protect your client. The predators and thieves can empty an account faster than it would take you to fill out the forms FINRA will inevitably give you. Think the way you are trained to think about finances generally: plan ahead, anticipate problems before they get here, and take protective action.
Carolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Elder Law Attorney, Founder
Looking for practical ideas and expert guidance in making decisions about the legal, financial, and healthcare issues facing your aging parents? Carolyn Rosenblatts book, The Family Guide to Aging Parents, is available for purchase and includes insight on important financial topics such as:
Family disputes
Caring for aging loved ones from a distance
Protecting aging loved ones from financial abuse
Our Guests: Dr. Mikol Davis and Carolyn Rosenblatt
For perspectives on these topics and more, tune in to KQV 1410 AM tomorrow evening at 7:05 p.m. for The Lange Money Hour, Where Smart Money Talks, as Jim Lange welcomes Carolyn Rosenblatt and Dr. Mikol Davis to the show.
Carolyn Rosenblatt began her career as an RN, primarily working as a visiting nurse for 10 years. She is also an attorney who vigorously represented injured individuals over a 27-year career. When Carolyn retired from litigation and trial work, she started with her husband, psychologist, Dr. Mikol Davis. Initially, Carolyn planned to help resolve conflicts involving elders and their families. As she began working as a mediator, she found that her clients often needed someone with knowledge to provide answers on both health care and legal questions. Those two areas of expertise can rarely be found in the same individual, and Carolyn saw an opportunity to bring her two professions together to fill that need. Carolyn is a regular contributor to on healthy aging and dealing with aging loved ones.
Since the show will be live, you can join the conversation by calling the KQV studios at 412-333-9385 after 7:05 p.m. You can also e-mail questions in advance by clicking here. The show will also be live-streamed at KQV will rebroadcast the show this Sunday at 9:05 a.m. The audio will also be archived on our web site at, along with a written transcript.
Finally, please join us in two weeks on Wednesday, September 16th at 7:05 p.m. for the next new edition of The Lange Money Hour.
About James Lange, CPA
Jim Lange has 3 decades of retirement and estate planning experience as a CPA. Jims strategies have been endorsed by The Wall Street Journal (35 times), Newsweek, Money, Smart Money, Readers Digest, Bottom Line, and Kiplingers. His articles have appeared in Financial Planning, The Tax Adviser, Journal of Retirement Planning, and Trusts & Estates.
Jim is the host of The Lange Money Hour on KQV 1410 AM. He is also the author of two best-selling books, Retire Secure! (Wiley 2006 and 2009) and The Roth Revolution endorsed by Charles Schwab, Larry King, Ed Slott, Roger Ibbotson, Natalie Choate, and Jane Bryant Quinn.
When the medical information and personal data of 80 million Americans was hacked at Anthem Blue Shield it served as a wakeup call. It provides us with another way concerned professionals can educate and warn their clients about keeping personal data safe.
Get this: The information gained by the hackers including social security numbers and birth dates and even income are an identity thiefs dream, and the massive breach makes clear that any record can be at risk when companies fail to take security seriously.(more…)
One benefit of the increasing life expectancies for Americans is that more people have bonus years for enjoying the company of their aging parents.
But all is not rosy. Those extended years also boost the odds that parents could go broke or suffer from dementia and be unable to make financial decisions for themselves.
That can leave adult children perplexed about when and whether they should step in and find out what’s happening with their parents’ money, says Carolyn Rosenblatt, a registered nurse and elder law attorney.
“Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to have those conversations,” says Rosenblatt, co-author with her husband, Dr. Mikol Davis, of The Family Guide to Aging Parents ( and Succeed With Senior Clients: A Financial Advisors Guide To Best Practices.
“Some stubborn parents just refuse to talk about their money. No matter what their adult children say to them, they put it off, change the subject or tell their children it’s none of their business.”
Of course, many adult children aren’t in any particular hurry to broach the subject either, says Davis, a clinical psychologist and gerontologist.
“They have their own discomfort about it and procrastinate,” he says. “Then a crisis comes up and no one has any idea what the parents have or where to find important documents.”
But Rosenblatt and Davis say it’s critical that these conversations take place so that the offspring can gather information about such subjects as the parent’s income and expenses, where legal documents are kept, and what kind of medical or long-term-care insurance the parent might have.
The success of these conversations often comes down to how you approach the subject, Rosenblatt and Davis say. They offer a few tips:
End the procrastination by picking a date for the talk. Make an appointment with yourself to bring up the subject at a specific time. An opportune time to schedule this is after a birthday, a family event or a holiday where other family members are together who may share in the responsibility for the aging parents in the future.
Show respect. Tell your parents you understand and respect their reluctance to discuss their finances. You can even make the conversation about yourself rather than about them. Say that you’re concerned that if something went wrong, you would be completely lost as to how to help them.
Address their fears head-on. Let them know you understand they are worried that if they talk about their finances their independence might be taken away. You might add that you want them to maintain their independence as long as possible and you’re willing to help accomplish that, but you can’t do it without the correct information.
“Getting past an aging parent’s fear about talking about finances can be daunting,” Rosenblatt says. “But a well-planned strategy for approaching the subject will give you your best chance.”
About Carolyn Rosenblatt and Dr. Mikol Davis
Carolyn Rosenblatt and Dr. Mikol Davis are co-authors of The Family Guide to Aging Parents ( and Succeed With Senior Clients: A Financial Advisors Guide To Best Practices. Rosenblatt, a registered nurse and elder law attorney, has more than 45 years combined experience in her professions. She has been quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Money magazine and many other publications. Davis, a clinical psychologist and gerontologist, has more than 44 years experience as a mental health provider. In addition to serving his patients, Davis creates online courses and products to assist professionals and the public with understanding aging issues. Rosenblatt and Davis have been married for 34 years.
Dr. Mikol Davis and Carolyn Rosenblatt, co-founders of
Carolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Elder Law Attorney offers a wealth of experience with aging to help you create tools so you can skillfully manage your aging clients. You will understand your rights and theirs so you can stay safe and keep them safe too.
Dr. Mikol Davis, Psychologist, Gerontologist offers in depth of knowledge about diminished financial capacity in older adults to help you strategize best practices so you can protect your vulnerable aging clients.
So many professionals we talk to are worried about aging clients, those in their 80’s, 90’s and older. And for good reason. Mikol’s mother is now 92 and she lives independently. She is not exactly a sophisticated investor or consumer. She is very sharp mentally, but that does not mean she could not be manipulated. She has already been taken advantage of by one financial advisor. He got caught though. By us. We took a quick video of Alice, and without naming any names, you can see what she has to say about what the investment this advisor put her into. Click on image to see Video.
We have a very special advantage with Alice. She is willing to let us watch over her investments and her day to day financial life. Not only is she open to receiving this support, she generally welcomes it. That is not an advantage every family has. But even if your aging client or loved one is less than willing to allow those in their lives who can protect them from harm to discuss their financial business, they may be willing to make at least one concession. We recommend that you try for this, suggest it to all the aging folks in your world and take one small step in the direction of their protection.
The professional crooks are at it again. The U.S. Attorney’s office recently charged six defendants with yet another telemarketing fraud scheme targeting the elderly. The allegations are that the con artists sought out and preyed upon the elderly through their lottery scam. We see these reports often in the news, to the point that they seem very repetitive. The characters and the amount of money stolen from elders changes but the methods are the same over and over. They caught the scammers this time and charged them with theft of a total of $400,000 from various victims. That’s the least of it. Other scams bring in millions from their vulnerable victims.
Why do elders fall for these things? Why don’t they get that the “Nigerian prince” or the “Jamaican Lottery” are clearly bogus and not to be trusted? (more…)
Mom just turned 93 years old. In fact it was her birthday yesterday. I surprised her with an unscheduled visit. She was so very happy to see me and to not have to spend her birthday alone. Once at her home, I noticed a bill from one of her doctors lying on her table. I inquired about why she was seeing a new chiropractor. She proceeded to show me two small red led light boxes she was using, prescribed by the new doctor to decrease the pain in her legs. Mom said she had been going to the doctor for over 3 months and she wanted to surprise me with how much better her balance and walking had become. However, sadly, there was no progress. I felt sad for my mother who has been searching for many years for a cure to her chronic leg pain. But the real surprise came when I looked at her bill from the doctor. The doctor had charged her $3800 for the treatment that claimed to improve her balance and decrease her leg pain. He had charged Medicare for the $3800 and the Government had paid him over $700. He then billed her the balance of $3000. This practice is called “BALANCE BILLING” and is against the law. If the doctor accepts Medicare, he must accept that is total except the 20% Medicare does not cover. When her doctor presented her with the outstanding balance, she said she could not pay that amount, so the doctor suggested that she sign up for “Care Credit” to help her. He told her she could just pay as little as $30 per month and that sounded really good to mom. So mom had been paying 26.99 % APR on the $3000 balance.
Please pay close attention to your aging loved ones especially when it comes to how easily they can get Scammed. This has been another very painful lesson for all of us.
“Unfortunately, no matter whether it’s a specific reason or many, seniors are at risk for fraud and identity theft. It’s important for the people in their lives to understand these risks and do their part to protect seniors they care about from the many scammers that lurk. As aging expert Carolyn Rosenblatt said in a recent Forbes article, it’s not just a matter of law enforcement or the government taking action — seniors and their caregivers also need to be vigilant.” READ MORE
Carrie got concerned when her brothers suddenly began to exclude her from their Mom’s financial affairs. It didn’t feel right, but she wasn’t sure she could do anything about it. When she called, I got that “slow burn” feeling that comes over me when I hear about financial elder abuse. As a consultant for folks with aging parents, it’s not the first time I’ve heard this kind of story. (more…)
With $30 trillion in wealth being transferred between generations now and over the next decades, advisors are missing a huge opportunity. If you are fine with losing your chance to retain the next generation after your current clients transfer their wealth, do nothing different. You can count on 66% of your client’s heirs taking their business elsewhere. If you would like to change the odds for yourself, you need to do a lot more than “get to know your client’s family”.
That vague advice will not result in adult children of your current clients seeing you as a desirable person to trust. If you want to establish relationships with the heirs, take the advice of those who have researched this problem of client flight and do more.
As you stay in the financial advising business for a time, you will surely see more aging clients. People are living longer than ever in history. They are part of your practice now or they will be soon enough. With aging come risks: cognitive decline, physical limitations and the need for care that can get very expensive. Will diminished capacity make your client vulnerable to abuse? Can you help protect your client by taking proactive steps right now?
You want to be of service, but you don’t want to go overboard and become someone’s social worker. What can you do to ensure your clients’ safety and well being as they age? Here are five tips for the conscious advisor who knows your client beyond managing the money.
The gripping thing about this case is not just the horrific means used to steal money. It’s the shocking failure of every person involved to ever notice that over a 6 year period, a caretaker isolated, abused and stole millions from a 74 year old, helpless stroke victim.
Li Ching Lu was convicted of financial abuse via fraud and forgery in Long Beach, this month. She got 4 years in state prison, which seems appallingly short for what she did. Over a period between 2002 and 2010, she emptied her victim’s bank accounts by writing checks and depositing them in 63 different accounts at 4 different banks.
Why didn’t anyone notice that she began to isolate her victim from her friends, family, financial advisors? Did any of them care enough to check on their friend or client? Did the cessation of contact from a person who had amassed a small fortune from investments ever alarm the investment advisors on her team enough to find out why? (more…)
The securities industry is pushing to impose temporary holds on certain transactions that may be precipitated by a clients’ declining mental capacity, or purported loved ones who may be trying to swindle them. Sounds good in theory. Too bad it won’t solve the problem of financial abuse. Does the industry think that waiting is going to make the problem of predators go away?
Here is an example of a real case in which this exact method of the broker waiting and hoping didn’t do a thing for the elder who was being abused. READ what happened:
Have you ever heard the term “undue influence”? from time to time, Most people don’t really understand what it means. Is it just some weird legal thing? Or should you understand it? When it comes to seniors and financial abuse, the term becomes very important, because undue influence can readily lead to financial abuse.The legal concept of undue influence goes way back in history to the 1600s. A lot of our law in the US is based on what our British ancestors did. Sure enough there is an old case in which a woman pretended to love an older man and pressured or influenced him to give her all his money and property upon his death. She didn’t love him. She was married to someone else. The elderly man changed his will and left everything to her, and not to his own family. His family sued, she lost and they got the estate he would have left to them if he hadn’t been under the influence of this woman.
The English court found that she had used undue influence on him to get him to change his will.Centuries have passed but the same problem exists today. People use their relationship with someone to get them to give money or property to the influencer. We hear about it all the time at where we work with families helping them deal with issues about aging loved ones. The struggle in families about control over an aging parent’s finances often comes about because someone thinks another family member is using undue influence over a vulnerable elder. And sometimes it’s true!Laws about undue influence vary from state to state. Where I live in CA, we have a really good definition that helps people prove when someone was under undue influence of another person. Keeping it simple and non-legal sounding this is the essence of the definition: Undue influence is excessive persuasion that causes another person to act or refrain from acting by overcoming that person’s free will and results in something that isn’t in the influenced person’s best interests. A person who is elderly, frail, dependent on others for care or who is undergoing a lot of stress is particularly vulnerable.
The influencer is usually in a position of trust, like a family member or a position of authority over the one being influenced. The person in authority could be a professional, such as a financial advisor or lawyer, or it could be a caregiver.
What are some of the classic warning signs of undue influence?
Here are five of them:
1. The victim is vulnerable, such as shortly after a spouse has died or because he or she has dementia and can’t make good decisions. But a person can be vulnerable just because of being lonely too.
2. The influencer assumes power, authority or control over the one being influenced. This could come from the relationship, where the one being influenced thinks the influencer can be trusted and doesn’t question them.
3. Isolation of the senior, and doing things in secret, in a hurry or because the influencer tells the victim that everyone else is against her.
4. Sudden changes in a long-standing estate plan, including a will and or trust. The so-called “natural heirs” or family are cut out of what they were going to inherit and it goes to someone outside the family as a result of the senior being influenced to make those changes.
5. Something happens that is not fair or reasonable for the victim. For example, another seizes control over their assets and they can no longer choose what to do with them. Or the elder’s home is sold and he is forced to go to a nursing home against his will. These are examples of harm or an unfair result to the victim.
Undue influence is legally related to financial abuse. Harm to the elder in some way is the result and it always involves money, property or an agreement that affects the elder’s welfare.
We hope you have a good idea now of undue influence. If you see any of the warning signs happening to someone in your life, to a client, family member or friend, speak up!
Seek legal advice from an elder law attorney or report the harm you see to Adult Protective Services.
Working together, we can all do something to stop elder abuse.
Most of us hear about unscrupulous family members taking advantage of their aging parents or grandparents. And everyone knows that internet scams abound. The one in which the scammer calls an elder and pretends to be a grandchild in trouble is notorious. And unfortunately, successful as it still goes on. Funds from grandma’s account get wired to Western Union and the thief disappears.
Financial elder abuse is rampant. The National Center On Elder Abuse puts the amount stolen from elders each year at $2.9B. But a privately run recent study calculated the amount at a shocking $36B+ per year. Who is doing this to our seniors?
Family members are the most frequent abusers of elders, because of access, exploiting the relationship of trust, and knowing just how easily manipulated a parent or other loved one can become with aging and dementia. Family members usually know how much money their parents have and how to get the parent to either give it to them or give them control over it so they can take it without the parent’s knowledge. Sadly, we see this often in our consulting work at
Caregivers, who also develop a relationship of trust with their care recipients, have the advantage of being with the elder in unsupervised situations. Ruthless caregivers get the elder to sign a power of attorney and being dependent on the caregiver, the elder may be fearful and intimidated if she does not acquiesce to the demands of the caregiver. In one case, a caregiver managed to steal $4M from a 74 year old client with multiple sclerosis who became physically unable to manage for herself. The caregiver got a power of attorney and opened 67 accounts in eleven banks. One bank finally caught on and reported their suspicions, but it was too late. The caregiver went to jail but the elder died before the criminal’s sentencing.
In spite of the easy access family and caregivers have to seniors, the most dollars are actually stolen from elders every year by professionals. That includes broker-dealers, insurance sales persons, lawyers and others in a position of both trust and authority to manipulate or outright steal elders’ funds. About a third of FINRA prosecutions involve elders. There are ripoff artists among us.
One thing that doesn’t seem to change over time is the reality that most cases of elder abuse go unreported to authorities and are therefore never prosecuted. The thieves get away with it. In one case we saw in our office, a 92 year old whose son had power of attorney for her took thousands of dollars from her bank account and refused to account for it. We were involved in helping her change the authority he had over her finances. I spoke with her and described that what her son had done was wrong and was a crime. She knew it was wrong and did not want to take action. Her response: “I don’t want my son prosecuted”.
Many elders are more frail and less willing to pursue legal remedies than a younger person may be. They suffer from shame, depression and embarrassment that they have been so taken in by anyone. Some just don’t have the energy to fight back and the thieves know this. They count on it.
What can the concerned financial professional do about financial abuse? There are ways you can be more vigilant and protective of clients than ever. Here are five things to keep in mind for any aging client.
Know that even at the very earliest stages of dementia, a client is likely to be moderately impaired for making safe financial decisions. Pay attention to their ability or lack of it to understand complex or risky products such as non-traded REITS, which regulators disapprove of selling to seniors. Avoid suggesting or offering any products which require significant analysis by the client if you have even a hint of cognitive decline in that client.
Know that age alone is a risk factor for developing dementia and its accompanying diminished capacity. By the time your clients reach age 85, at least a third of them will have Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementia. Two out of three persons affected by Alzheimer’s are women. Be especially vigilant with your aging female clients.
Know your client. If he or she departs from a long standing spending pattern and you suddenly see unexplained large cash withdrawals, be suspicious, ask questions and probe. Someone could have gotten control over your client’s account. Don’t stand idly by. Get involved and find out. Report abuse if you suspect it. Take action to stop the abuse. Protect your client.
If you work in an organization where professional colleagues have aging clients and there is opportunity to either sell them unsuitable investment products or otherwise manipulate these elders, lobby your organization for enhanced and more frequent scrutiny of all client accounts for people age 65 and up. The Federal Government and state laws define an “elder” as someone 65 and above. Watch those accounts more often and in more detail.
Develop your own best practices, senior-specific policy, in writing. Training in best practices and commitment to your clients’ safety will enable you to get it right. Once you have a clear policy in place for yourself independently or for your organization, everyone can respond to red flags of diminished capacity and warning signs of elder abuse in a uniform way. That will enhance your ability to honor your clients so you can protect him from predators.
You hear the term now and again, “MCI”. Is it a diagnosis?
Doctors sometimes tell an older patient he has this, but no one seems to exactly pin down what it means. How mild is “mild” and what does it mean in terms of diminished capacity? Here it is in a nutshell:
Mild Cognitive Impairment refers to a degree of cognitive decline that is in between the cognitive changes associated with normal
aging and those associated with clinical features of dementia.
Many people who get a diagnosis of MCI do go on to develop dementia but some do not. Here’s an example of a person who has MCI but does not have dementia.
Gertrude is 89 years of age and has been living alone in her own home. She got confused on her way home and was found driving on the wrong side of the road. A Good Samaritan brought her home. Fortunately, she did not hit any other cars. Cognitive decline was the cause of her confusion. She has mild cognitive impairment. She must not drive anymore, and she is willing to admit that she has to give up the keys.
She can’t remember what is in her bank account. Recently there was fraudulent activity and a large amount of cash was stolen by hackers. She must also give up managing her own finances.
Gertrude is very independent. She can take care of herself physically, though she does need her cane to walk. She wears hearing aids, but is able to follow the conversation around her very well when she can hear. She is clear about her likes and dislikes and communicates them emphatically. She is oriented to the date, and place where she is. Her short term memory is poor. She should not live alone any longer as she could forget to turn off the stove or the water faucet.
Gertrude is a good example of a person in what we call “the gray zone”. She is partly independent and partly dependent now. She is able to do a lot for herself but she needs help with her finances particularly. She appointed a licensed fiduciary to handle her bills and watch her bank accounts for her. She and the fiduciary went to both her banks to make sure the fiduciary’s name is on the accounts. She will have a companion live in with her to keep an eye on her safety but still allow her to do the things around the house and in the community she likes to do. The companion will do the driving. As she gets older, her care needs will probably escalate. But for now, she has just what she needs and she accepts that her independence is getting limited by her memory loss.
If you know someone who seems to have the same issues as Gertrude, you will be interested in Chapter 10 of my book The Family Guide to Aging Parents: Answers to Your Legal, Financial and Healthcare Questions. That chapter is Protecting Our Aging Parents From Abuse. I offer you five good tips, steps you can take now to keep your loved one safe. They are Protective Measures: talk with them about financial abuse, educate yourself, start having more frequent contact, snoop a bit, and check the mail from time to time. Get your copy now and learn more, with all you need to know to keep someone like Gertrude safe! CLICK HERE.
This really happened. If you had this 91 year old client, what would you do?
Emma liked to play the sweepstakes. But her memory was starting to decline. A lot. When it came to her bank account, she forgot to check her statements as she had always done. Odd withdrawals began. Hackers had gotten in. Before she realized what had happened, someone had withdrawn a total of $40,000. It was time for her family to act. Emma was a planner. She had trusted her son and put his name on her trust, her durable power of attorney and her health care directive. But her son needed cash. He became an opportunist.
She had a daughter too, but she was old fashioned and thought the man should take care of the money. Her son, Jonny knew his mother needed to stop handling her finances. So, he rushed her off to the clinic and told the doctor what happened with her bank account. After 15 minutes, the doctor, without doing any psychological testing on Emma decided that she was no longer capable of handling her affairs. He and another clinic doctor signed a handy form letter to that effect and gave them to Jonny. Jonny then went to both Emma’s banks with a copy of the trust appointing him to take over when Emma could no longer handle her affairs. He produced the two form letters from the doctors and was instantly given access to Emma’s account. He withdrew all of her cash, a total of $20,000.
Jonny then informed Emma that she was coming to live with him. He would charge her $1000 a month to live there. Emma was very angry. She admitted that she could no longer keep track of finances, but she did not want to give up her home, her community and the things she loved to do. She was alert, and knew what losing her home would mean. Jonny worked full time. His idea of a life for his mother was to take her to adult day services early every morning and leave her there until after 6pm when he returned from work. She wanted none of it. She felt betrayed, duped into giving Jonny all the power and furious that he could run her life without any interest in what she wanted.
There is danger in assumptions. Loss of the ability to handle finances safely does not mean in every case that a person can’t make decisions about where to live, what she wants and who should be in charge of her affairs. Emma had the strength to stand up to her son. She contacted us with her daughter at Was Emma too impaired to change her trust? The only way to safely answer this controversial question was to have Emma undergo psychological testing and some interviews with Dr. Davis, my partner here.
Testing was done and two interviews on different days were conducted. Result: Emma had mild cognitive impairment and still had the ability to decide who should handle her affairs. She did indeed have significant short term memory loss but many of her other abilities were intact. Her daughter then took her to a local attorney and she immediately changed her trust to appoint an independent, licensed fiduciary to be her new trustee. I doing so, Emma removed all power from her son. She put her daughter on the trust too, but only for oversight of the fiduciary. The fiduciary would have complete decision making ability as to how Emma’s funds should be spent. And she gave authority to her daughter on her healthcare directive to decide where she would live, as she knew that her daughter would honor her wishes to remain in her home, with a helper, for as long as possible.
The risk of making the assumption that loss of capacity for financial decisions means total loss of the ability to think or decide everything else can lead to disaster. Emma was nearly kidnapped by Jonny who was determined to make his little scheme work, all to his benefit ($1000 a month). With total power in his hands, he likely would have immediately sold her house as well. She was fortunate to have escaped a fate that would have made her both frustrated and miserable.
The takeaway here is to beware of too hasty conclusions that an aging parent is completely incapable of decisions other than financial ones. Financial capacity may be the first intellectual ability to go when impairment begins but it is not a sign that the person has no ability left for anything else. While it is true that many impaired elders grossly overestimate their own ability and insist on living in unsafe conditions, some elders are not as impaired as circumstances might suggest. Psychological testing can provide important objective data to help families make the right choices. Emma was willing to do whatever it took to stay in her own home. At 91, we at thought she deserved that dignity, at least. Emma has regained her sense of control and we’re glad for her.
Imagine this scenario. The person making all financial decisions was the man of the house. His somewhat timid wife, married to him for many years, never wanted the responsibility to decide how to invest. They had a multimillion dollar estate. Then Harry, her husband died and she was totally unprepared.
That’s “Rosanna’s” story. Rosanna was married for decades to Harry who passed away at age 85. She was 82 at the time. They had three adult daughters and one son, Jackson. Their son was never a steady job holder and had fantasies of how he was going to be a business owner. After his father died, he saw an opportunity. He could easily manipulate his mother, who looked to him to essentially take Harry’s place with decisions about investments. Rosanna had begun to suffer serious memory problems and couldn’t remember a conversation from morning to evening. She was clearly a person with diminished capacity.
Jackson was a co-trustee on the parents’ trust with his mother and sisters, but had sole power to make investment decisions. He conspired with the long time broker-dealer who used to work with his father. The broker also saw an opportunity. The broker told Jackson that he could help him out but Jackson needed to put a lot more of Rosanna’s money into variable annuities. What this meant was that her money would be tied up for years, unless she paid a stiff surrender charge to get to it. A full 87% of Rosanna’s money was then shifted into variable annuities. When Harry died, the amount invested in annuities was about 40%, which was plenty. This shift of most assets into annuities of course generated a huge commission for the broker. About the same time, Jackson took a six-figure loan from Rosanna’s trust without consulting his sisters and without informing them.
They were angry and upset with Jackson for manipulating their mother, for taking out a “loan” from their mother’s trust, which he didn’t pay back and for sneaking around behind their backs putting so much into variable annuities. That was going to affect their inheritance. When the sisters called me, we discussed the issue of manipulation of their mother. No one had ever checked her out for her capacity for financial decisions. When her daughters wanted her to see a doctor to find out more about her memory troubles, Jackson vetoed it. Rosanna consulted Jackson on everything. This meant that legal action was necessary. I referred them to an elder abuse attorney to take up the cause. They were very distressed and not speaking to Jackson. Meanwhile, Jackson again manipulated his mother to get money from her, with which he hired an attorney to harass and threaten the sisters. It was ugly.
No one can be sure how this nasty tale will play out, but the regulators will probably not like the fact that the broker put so much of an 85 year old’s assets into variable annuities. They will probably not like that he had to override his firm’s internal controls set up to prevent that. They will probably not like the fact that the net result is that the estate lost a significant sum compared with what it would have done in conventional investments suitable for an 85 year old. I sent the sisters the forms to file complaints with both FINRA and the SEC. They will also have an attorney to represent them in that matter.
And as for Jackson, I hope that the courts will deal with him justly. He is looking out for himself, that is clear. As a trustee, he had a legal duty to the trust, not to his own self interest in grabbing a six figure “loan” from the trust that he had no means to repay.
The takeaway here is that your aging clients, particularly the very unsophisticated ones like Rosanna are sitting ducks for abuse by unscrupulous brokers. And it is up the the advisors who are ethical to blow the whistle. It is up to everyone to seek justice for the unwary who become victims of manipulation because of greed, the ease of taking advantage of an elder, and the attitude that “it’s not my problem, she’s not my client”. Please make it your business. At, we want to put a stop to this kind of abuse. We urge you to join us!
Click HERE if you want to help us make a difference.
Thwarting Elder Abuse: Who Should You Call When You Suspect It?
Imagine this: it happens. Abuse seems to be going on right in front of you with an aging client. A family friend is manipulating her, and you’re pretty sure about that. What would be the first thing you could do?
Perhaps you’ve taken a class or training in senior specific issues like dementia. (You’ll be especially knowledgeable if you’ve gotten training with our Aging webinars!) You’re determined to stop it if you can.
You may think of calling Adult Protective Services, but you also know that APS is limited, and addresses situations that are criminal in nature. Sometimes when an elder seems to be going along with the abuse, APS may have its hands tied. For example when a friend close to the elder is pressuring an elder into giving him large amounts of cash and draining the elder’s bank account, the elder may not show concern. The aging person could be subject to undue influence or perhaps intimidated and afraid to say “no”. When the victim seems willing, you have to look beyond APS to try to thwart the abuser.
One thing every professional needs to have in every file is a list of contacts your client has provided to you, as you have requested, to use when something seems amiss or when your client shows signs of memory problems. You need specific written permission from your client to communicate with the people on the list. The list should include trusted family members, the client’s estate planning attorney, a long term friend, clergy or trusted other professional such as the client’s accountant.
When you have the client’s permission to contact these individuals, you can start asking questions about the suspected abuser. If the abuser is someone on the list, ask everyone else their impressions. People do change and financial desperation or greed can cause someone to misuse the trust the elder has in them.
Thinking it’s really none of your business that your client has a person who is taking advantage of her is not the answer to our massive problem of elder abuse in our country. We all must do something when we can. We have to speak up, get nosy, ask questions and take an active role. In asking the client’s list of contacts about the issue, you may learn a lot. Perhaps the “friend” has a gambling or drug problem. Perhaps your client just lost a spouse and is very vulnerable. Others on the contact list who may not see what you see can get involved in looking into the situation after becoming aware of your suspicions. Working together, a group can present a united front and create a strategy to stop the thefts and manipulation.
A very helpful resource for any professional is to search for and know competent elder abuse lawyers who have the skills, knowledge and will to step in and try whatever is possible to protect the aging person or her heirs. You can find one by searching your local county Bar Association website. Most have a directory or lawyer referral service. Lawyers are listed by specialty area. For example, in San Francisco, the Bar Association has a listing for the category of elder abuse. Under it there is a sublisting “Financial Abuse by Family or Friends”. That category will likely lead to someone who can help evaluate a case.
When the abuser has talked the elder into changing her will and disinheriting her children in favor of the so-called friend, that gives the elder abuse lawyer something to work with. Elder abuse litigators will generally listen to a possible case and give you an opinion about whether it is a matter they can handle. And aggressive proactive steps can be taken to thwart an abuser determined to clean out the assets of a supposedly willing victim.
If the abuser is a bad apple within the financial services industry, there are specialty lawyers who prosecute claims handled in FINRA arbitrations. They can be found through the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association.
Not every senior who is being abused financially is able to see it. But those who have a role in the elder’s life can do much to at least try to stop the abuse. Loss of financial judgment is a reality that can occur as people age. If we don’t want to see more destitute seniors who were victimized, think of how you can help. Ask questions, call contacts and refer to an elder abuse attorney if you see this problem.
Philip Marshall was devoted to his grandmother, wealthy philanthropist, Brooke Astor. Her victimization by her own son, Philip’s father, Anthony Marshall, created irreparable harm to the relationships in the family. Anthony Marshall and one of his attorneys conspired to divert millions of dollars to Anthony’s benefit after Ms. Astor developed dementia. They were both convicted in criminal court of financial elder abuse. Would you have had the courage to stand up to your own father and take on the cause of justice of your grandmother if you had been in Philip’s shoes?
Philip recently contributed to the American Bar Association’s journal BiFocal, a publication of the Commission on Law and Aging. He wrote a piece in the hope that the telling of his sad family circumstances would continue to contribute to the recognition of elder abuse and exploitation as an insidious and pervasive national problem. Parts of his article are summarized here.
Philip did not start out as an expert in elder abuse. He loved his grandmother, who had always been a donor to worthy causes, being described as “a humanist aristocrat with a generous heart”. In her later years, she was increasingly isolated by the actions of Anthony Marshall. Close friends were denied visits. A long time and caring staff member was fired. Anthony Marshall, Brooke’s only child, had been appointed power of attorney. He used his power to abuse and control her. There were many red flags in Anthony Marshall’s actions. He sold Brooke’s favorite painting, which she had bequeathed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, one of the objects of her charitable giving in her earlier life. The paining brought millions, two of which Anthony kept as a commission.
Brooke loved her country house, where she hoped to spend her final days. Anthony closed the housed and fired Brooke’s most loyal staff member, her butler Chris Ely. Under pressure from two of Brooke’s closest friends, Anthony reluctantly agreed to reopen the country house, but shortly after that, moved his mother back to her apartment in New York.
Philip was suspicious of what he saw happening and began to speak with more staff and caregivers. He learned that his grandmother’s lifestyle, emotional and physical care and life were being compromised by his father’s actions. He could not bear the damage he witnessed to her psychological and physical well being. He sought advice. He met with his grandmothers’ close friends and decided that something should be done.
Philip petitioned for guardianship. This always presents an uphill battle when the only adult child is in charge and the psychological abuse and neglect are so difficult to prove. The petition was granted and Philip immediately moved his grandmother back to her country house. By the time the petition was granted, his father was forced to return over $11 million in assets and pledged over $10 million to cover any future claims. But the battle was far from over.
Ms. Astor died peacefully in 2007 with friends at her side. Following her death, Anthony Marshall filed papers on court using three codicils (additions) to her will which redistributed almost $100 million to his control. The unbridled greed of Philip’s father was shocking. He was already provided over $60 million in the original will. That wasn’t enough. He had to conspire, forge documents, manipulate and abuse his own mother to get tens of millions more.
The New York DA had evidence of the criminal abuse case and indicted both Anthony Marshall and his attorney, Francis Morrissey. The case went to trial in 2009. Philip had to testify against his father. There were many witnesses to the abuse and financial manipulation. Anthony Marshall was convicted on 15 of the 16 counts against him. All counts but one were upheld on appeal.
At and, we are vigorous advocates for stopping elder abuse. We applaud Philip Marshall not only for his courage to bring the guardianship petition in the first place, but to continue the battle to honor his grandmother’s legacy of charitable giving, as originally provided in her will. His actions came with a huge emotional and economic cost to himself. But could not live with the injustice he saw. He was willing to air the family’s dirty linen in public. He was willing to take sides and stand up for the vulnerable person with dementia his grandmother had become. Let his story be an inspiration to all of us.
Until next time,
Carolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Elder Law Attorney, Mediator
Attention Financial Professionals: Are You A Hero? We want to highlight you!
We are very interested in financial planners, wealth managers, RIAs, CFPs, trust officers and others who have protected elderly clients from abuse or stopped it after they became aware of abuse or predatory practices. Without a fiduciary standard, inappropriate products are being sold to elders by some in the financial field. And that doesn’t even address the outside predators who seek out elderly victims. They’re everywhere.
At we are allies of the elderly, having spent years of our lives serving them, my wife as a nurse and then a litigator and myself as a mental health provider. We will be sponsoring a contest in early April to feature the best of the best in financial services who stopped or prevented elder abuse. My wife and partner Carolyn Rosenblatt blogs at (Aging Parents) and to keep those in this community informed. We want to tell your stories. We hope to educate others in the field and this community by highlighting the actions of courageous people who stepped up to stop scammers, thieves and greedy players inside or outside the financial services field itself. We have a few great candidates already! We know you’re out there. Submit your own name and story or that of someone you respect for their abuse prevention efforts to If you need to remain anonymous for political or personal reasons, we will honor that and not use your real name, location or work place. We want to share your exemplary actions. And if what you did was leave a large organization so you wouldn’t be part of abusive practices there, we think that’s heroic too. Please tell us. We’ll protect your identity totally.
Your stories will inspire others to follow your lead. We’ll feature you in our newsletter with your permission, and let our social media contacts know that you are a standout among the rest. If you want anonymity, we will simply point out the problems that spurred you take the steps you did and that we want to honor the decisions you made. We applaud you.
Thanks for joining us.
Sincerely, Dr. Mikol Davis & Carolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Attorney
Heavy advertising by those selling reverse mortgages could convince anyone that this product will get you to nirvana. The sellers tout them, promising to let you “live the life of your dreams” or “have a better retirement”. Really?
The Federal government has responded to numerous complaints by borrowers about reverse mortgages (home equity conversion mortgages or HECMs) and issued a summary report. It’s available through the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau but if you don’t have time to read it, we summarize for you it here at
The reverse mortgage complaints submitted to the CFPB demonstrate the wide range of problems some consumers have with these loans. The largest volume of complaints, according to the report, center on difficulty in trying to change the terms of the loans. When borrowers want to refinance the loan or add borrowers, they can’t. Some borrowers do not understand that the loan proceeds as well as accrued interest on the loan over time substantially decrease the amount of available equity. What this tells us at is that despite mandatory “counseling” before getting the mortgage, the borrower is not getting the message. Whether that is a defect in the counseling itself or the consumer being swayed by the “live the life of your dreams” advertising we do not know. What we do know is that borrowers get upset when they find out they can’t refinance these loans.
Other consumers complain that lenders refuse to lower their loans’ interest rates and they feel that as interest rates have declined, that they’re being overcharged. Trying to change the terms of the loan at all is very problematic. When adult children want to be added as borrowers they can’t be added. Borrowers do not understand that adult children can only retain the home for an aging parent by paying off the entire loan balance or by paying 95% of the value of the home. Is this a failure to understand the mandatory counseling their parents were given? Or is it that this critical detail is lost in the effort to get an older homeowner to take the loan, “live the life of their dreams” and have a wonderful time with the loan proceeds?
As we see it, the worst outcome of a reverse mortgage occurs when title is transferred to one spouse in order to get the HECM, perhaps because he or she is of an age that makes it possible to borrow more equity than the other spouse could do. The loan is taken in the name of that one spouse only. The borrowing spouse later dies. The non-borrowing spouse then will lose the home. Distraught widows and widowers face foreclosure in this scenario. Of course they can’t pay off the loan or they wouldn’t have needed the HECM in the first place. Some consumers report that their loan originator falsely assured them they would be able to add the other spouse to the loan at a later date.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is changing this horrible problem. It issued a mortgagee letter in August 2014 that provides that non-borrowing spouses meeting certain conditions, may remain in the home after the death of the borrower spouse but only for loans originated after the date of this letter. Most HECMs originated after August 4, 2014 will be made in both spouses’ names. For the rest of the many borrowers whose loans are older than that, a widowed person will likely lose the home after the borrowing spouse dies. So much for living the life of their dreams.
If you are in a position to advise clients about the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage, be sure that you know these details before directing anyone to such a loan. Yes, in some cases, a HECM can be a lifesaver. But as we see it, that’s only a good idea when there are no other options available to pay the basic cost of living in the home and surviving there to the end of life. It’s not prudent for any consumer to have a lavish lifestyle on borrowed money, only to run out of equity when they need money most: when disabled and in need of care. Consumers need to be cautioned not to take out equity and recklessly spend it as if there were no consequences to depleting what is for many, their only significant asset.
Help us keep elders informed. Please share this with a friend, a client or member of your own family.
You’d think that after all our vets have sacrificed for our country that somehow slimy manipulators wouldn’t go after them specifically. But, sadly, vets are prime targets for so called “veteran’s advocates”, whose objective is to get their money. Here’s how they work:
The objective is to sell vets annuities, which tie up a person’s money for years and years. Annuities of this kind are usually not at all suitable for an aging person. The seller, a company owned or backed by an insurance company, offers veterans a free lunch “educational” seminar. An insurance salesperson is the front for this presentation. They go after elderly residents of retirement homes and assisted-living facilities and convince them that they can get free Aid and Attendance pension benefits offered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
These benefits do exist, but no one who is wealthy qualifies for them. The vets at the seminar are persuaded to “reposition their assets” in order to apply for the benefits. Unwitting senior veterans are sold annuities so that they can qualify. Of course that generates handsome commissions and profits for the insurance agent and insurance company.
The insurance companies and their agents selling the annuities go after wealthy seniors in expensive retirement facilities, because people who are truly qualified for Aid and Attendance have no money. They induce the senior to put large amounts of money into an irrevocable trust so they appear poor and can thus apply for free Aid and Attendance.
The wealthy senior vets who get taken by these scammers would never qualify for Aid and Attendance anyway, as one must be low income and with very limited assets to be eligible. Buying annuities does not fix that.
A prominent attorney has now filed a lawsuit against one of these insurance companies and the agent who held himself out as a volunteer for veterans when he was really a salesman. Fraud is alleged in the lawsuit, filed in Riverside County Superior Court in CA. We at hope the case is successful.
How do these slick salesmen who outright lie to senior vets keep getting away with these schemes? The annuity sale scams are a problem nationwide. Victims of financial elder abuse rarely report the abuse. They are elderly, get overwhelmed with the vicious battle the insurance companies will put up to defend their actions and they don’t want to do it.
If you would like to do your part to warn your aging clients or family members about these vet-targeted annuity scams, please send out emails or letters to them and warn them to be alert to the problem. Get your free sample email or letter form from by clicking HERE. Information is power and implementation of this information can protect your clients.
When Laura called me at the urging of her own financial advisor, she was in a crisis. Her father, Jack, age 95 lived in another state and was in a nursing home. She and her sister were worried about a problem: their brother Robbie was taking advantage of their dad and no one was stopping him.
Robbie had been sponging off of Dad for years, Laura told me. She knew Jack probably had dementia, and she had been appointed his Power of Attorney agent, but the transition had not happened yet for her to take over his finances. Robbie had flown out to see Dad from the state where Robbie lived. He took his frail father to Jack’s financial advisor and had his Dad ask the advisor to give Dad a cashier’s check for $50,000. The advisor knew that his client was being manipulated into asking for the money but he gave it to Jack anyway. It was not as if Jack was extremely wealthy. He had limited funds in the account.
Then Jack, with Robbie prodding him, asked his advisor to give him a debit card for his cash management account. The advisor knew full well that Jack’s money could go out the door and into Robbie’s pocket. He decided to deal with the potential abuse by “dragging his feet” for three months. He knew Laura and knew that she was Jack’s agent on his legal documents. He called her describing the call as “on the Q.T”and told Laura that he “had” to comply with the request for the debit card. Laura insisted as the power of attorney that the card should be mailed to her. After she got it, I advised her to destroy it.
The estate attorney who had prepared Jack’s trust knew that Laura should take over her position as Jack’s successor, but he failed to urge her to do so right away. He also failed to give her enough direction about how to accomplish this so she could stop any other actions by Robbie to get Jack’s money. This was one professional failure—the lawyer did not recognize the urgency nor try enough to stop elder abuse.
When I met with Laura, I instructed her exactly how to get the needed doctors’ reports on Dad to meet the requirements Jack’s trust had in it that would permit her to take over responsibility for him. She did so at my urging, right away. I encouraged her to immediately give Dad’s advisor a letter instructing him to cease any transactions initiated by Jack as Jack did indeed have dementia and the doctors had verified that he was no longer capable of managing his affairs. She did that, too. It had also come to light that Robbie had gotten Dad to transfer funds into an account to which Robbie had access and that Robbie had already nearly drained that account of another $30,000.
I sat with Laura and helped her draft a firm letter to Robbie letting him know that the end had come for manipulating Dad and that she was now in charge. He was furious! Ugly emails from Robbie and threats followed. The saga did not end there, but with help, Laura was able to stop any further financial abuse of her father.
The second and most distressing failure of a professional in this true story was the action by Jack’s financial advisor. He did not seem to have any idea of what to do to stop elder abuse that he admitted was going on in dealing with his client
The takeaway here is that every advisor who sees potential elder abuse can and should do much more to protect an elderly client from this kind of manipulation. Every professional has to give up being a slave to the outdated notion that you always have to do what a client says even if the client is seriously impaired. That impaired person is not the client you signed up and you must address this problem.
Learn 5 things every professional should do when you suspect financial abuse by clicking HERE for your free tip sheet.
Imagine you’re at your desk, calling your elderly client for approval of something you’d like to do with his portfolio. The last time you spoke with him, he seemed a little “out of it” but you carried on and did your work. Now, you’re on a call with him again and he’s just not getting anything you’re saying. You repeat patiently. Nothing. You suggest talking to him at a later time.
When you call back two days later, your client has no recollection of the earlier conversation that had you concerned, and worse yet, he still can seem to grasp even the simplest explanation of why you’re calling.
What should you do?
Your client has presented some ominous signs of cognitive impairment, which include inability to track the conversation and memory loss. He has no memory of your call two days earlier. Prompting him by reminding him of when it was and what you said didn’t help.
If you know there is a problem, there is one major reason why you absolutely must do something about it. That is: clients who are developing cognitive impairment are sitting ducks for financial abuse. The abuse could come from a family member, which is an unfortunately common occurrence. It could come from a credit card company who tricks your client into signing up for years of something she doesn’t want or need. It could come from an internet scammer who preys on people exactly like your client, cleverly and with great success. As you may have heard, the latest study on financial elder abuse found that it costs our seniors $36.48 billion a year, rather than the previous estimate of $2.9 billion.
If you believe that confidentiality prevents you from sharing anything about your client with anyone else, take you cue from the Canon of Ethics for lawyers, who have to honor confidentiality as much as anyone can. It says, paraphrasing, that a lawyer may but is not required to take protective action if a client is in danger. In my mind, any ethical lawyer who believes reasonably that her client is in danger from potential financial abuse is going to take protective action. When you see a client too confused to follow your conversation and too impaired to remember a call two days before, that client may be in danger right now. If protective action means calling a designated emergency contact, then you should do it. If it means taking the matter to supervisory or compliance personnel in your organization, then do that as well. If you believe you have no other choice but to get rid of your client and no longer handle his finances or business affairs, then that is also a choice. However, we at think you do have options other than firing your impaired client.
When we look at the law, it builds in protections for those who lose the ability to manage finances for themselves. One of these is a Durable Power of Attorney. Every prudent person who gets estate planning done should have a DPOA as part of the estate planning package. Take your cue from what the law allows any adult to do. That is, everyone should appoint a trusted person to take over when he or she is no longer able to manage finances independently. You client should appoint someone you can call and most importantly give you permission to call or contact that appointed person when your client demonstrates behavior as we described above. The person your client has designated on the DPOA to be her agent may also be the one she give you permission to contact if you believe she is vulnerable to abuse.
Every advisor, business professional and lawyer serving older clients should have permission to contact a third party in the event of emergency or imminent danger. You can get it done with a straightforward document.
If you aren’t sure how to get a waiver of privacy done or whom your client wants to designate, it’s time to act now. Get these things accomplished with the help of experts who can guide you. If you have them in your organization or at your disposal, create your policy without any delay. If you need help, we’re here to offer it at Contact us for advice, help with drafting your own special privacy waiver, or education about how to bring up the subject of cognitive impairment with your aging clients.
Competition for clients has always been there, but as investors age, something you might not have anticipated can happen. The vultures are out there. Competition with you for their invested assets can become an increased threat when an older client’s judgment is compromised. With impaired judgment, they might fall for the “free meal” seminar, a device to get them to buy an inappropriate product.
An older client who has always behaved a certain way about her investments can go through changes because of cognitive decline. You have absolutely no control over this process and in fact, you may not even notice it initially. Cognitive impairment can come on very subtly at first. What it can do over time is to cause your client’s ability to make good judgments about finances to go downhill.
A person who is actually ok financially may start to worry unreasonably that he is going to run out of money. Or a spouse gets ill and the costs of care skyrocket, making your client think he needs to do something fast to get a high return on his investments. There are a lot of slick salesmen out there who know this and count on it. They are the first ones to offer your client a free meal and a so-called “financial education seminar”.
According to FINRA research, 64 percent of those responding to a survey of people age 40 and over had been invited to an “educational” seminar with a free meal offered. FINRA, the SEC and state regulators conducted more than 100 examinations involving free-meal seminars. They found that in half of the cases, the sales materials contained claims that appeared to be exaggerated, misleading or otherwise unwarranted. And fully 13 percent of the seminars appeared to involve fraud.
These highly polished and sleazy sales people are more than happy to tell your client that they can do a lot better for the client than you are doing with your old, conservative and safe investment strategy. They dress well, have engaging personalities and are looking for someone who is fearful or easily manipulated. That could be your client. No matter how educated, smart or experienced your client is, anyone can suffer from loss of cognitive ability. Aging investors may not be as sharp as they were in a younger day, due to memory loss or other issues. The early warning signs of memory loss also suggest erosion of financial judgment. That can lead to impulsive purchases and lack of financial judgment about the risks.
What can you do about this? You have an opportunity to do a campaign with all your older investors which can enhance your image, increase the frequency of contact with them and educate them in the process. It could be a series of emails or personal letters. Remember that FINRA has issued a warning to all investors to be wary of the free meal “educational” seminar. You are the good guy or gal, bringing them this important information from regulators who want to protect them. The body of your email or letter can contain this information:
For every consumer, note these points FINRA wants you to keep in mind before you attend any “investment” or “financial education” seminar, especially with a free meal. 1. Investment seminars are intended to sell you something. Their purpose in not merely educational.
2. Beware of the persuasive effect of a high end venue, an expensive meal and a smooth, well-dressed presenter. These are collectively designed to impress you, but it does not mean that the opportunity being pitched it right for you.
3. Find out who is really sponsoring the event. At times, insurance companies, mutual funds or other companies offering their products are behind the pitch, financing the event and expecting that the speaker, who could be someone you know or recognize, will use the event to drive sales of their products.
4. You can use FINRA’s Broker Check (800) 280-9999 to see if the presenter is licensed to offer financial products. If the sponsor is an insurance agent, find out if he is licensed through your state department of insurance or the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. You can find out information about the one offering products for sale through your state’s securities regulator or the North American Securities Administrator’s association at (202) 737-0900.
Feel free to copy this right into a letter to your clients today. Vary it with your own words and headline. Anyone age 50 and up would be a good candidate to receive it.
Stay in communication with your aging clients.
Let them know you are concerned about the prevalence of these offerings by supposedly qualified people and ask if they’ve been solicited to attend any of them. If they tell you they want to go to a seminar, dig deeper. Ask questions. Offer to check out the presenters. If you step up the frequency of contact, particularly with an automated system of emailing your clients, you can only enhance the relationships you have with them. And in the process, you can not only build loyalty but perhaps save some of them from being seduced away from your responsible management by educating them about potential financial danger.
We encourage you to comment and share your own stories so that we all can become better informed and educated about new scams and ways to protect our older clients and family members.
Prior studies put the extent of financial elder abuse at $2.9 billion a year. A recent study finds that the actual amount stolen from elders is $36.48 billion a year. It’s no wonder that some call financial abuse “the crime of the century”. And yet, too many financial professionals see the warning signs and don’t know what to do or think that privacy concerns prevent them from doing anything.
I hope I can change your mind about the privacy issue. It should not stop you from doing the right thing.
According to the report of this recent study by True Link, a financial services company, the design of this survey was guided by recommendations of an expert panel of fraud researchers convened by the Financial Fraud Research Center at the Stanford Center on Longevity. That gives it credibility. No one has yet commented on any flaws in the study and I cannot say if there were any specific shortcomings, but the figure of over $36 billion is indeed startling.
Some of the most surprising study conclusions are that seniors who are younger, urban, and college-educated lose more money than those who are not. That somewhat defies the stereotype in other research suggesting that the isolated, lonely and unsophisticated senior would be the most vulnerable to loss. Another surprising finding is that legal but misleading tactics used to get a senior’s permission to take money from them leads to losses of $16.99 billion per year. The senior may be tricked into giving consent to credit card charges, for example and not realize how deeply or how long that consent ends up costing them.
So it’s not just the unsophisticated investor who gets taken by scammers. It can easily be your well educated client who thinks he knows more than you do and takes very foolish risks because he feels so capable of making decisions. Maybe he is impaired and doesn’t know it.
Or she gets sucked into long term contracts for things she doesn’t want or need. Once she gives approval for a credit card charge, she may be stuck with it. The study shows that people who start out losing a little each year tend to suffer increasing losses over time. A $20 a year loss can turn into a $2000 a year bilking and so on.
One thing every financial professional can do now is to develop a privacy waiver document specific to your organization or your management as an independent advisor that allows you to contact a trusted other whom your client has chosen, in the event that you see some red flags suggesting elder financial abuse.
If you’re unsure about what will give you a legally appropriate form for doing this, we can help you create one at Education and prevention of elder abuse are our mission. Everyone’s take on privacy may be different, but one thing is clear: you can’t continue to hide behind privacy as an excuse for doing nothing while your very own clients may be victims. Anything from telemarketer scams to undue influence by family to abuse by slick and unscrupulous salesmen of financial products that exploit older investors are everywhere around you.
One thing the study doesn’t explain directly is that it is also up to families to monitor their loved ones. True Link offers a product that allows monitoring of all an individual’s accounts in one place. Great, but what if the aging person won’t let family have access to the account information? That is a major issue. If you, as an advisor want to get involved, you can work with your client early enough that you have a clear policy in place when the time comes that your suspicions of abuse are raised. With a privacy waiver, you have the right to contact family or the person your client appointed to get the ball rolling on stopping abuse.
Caring and honest family need your help as a trusted professional to keep them alerted to any signs of trouble with an elder’s judgment about financial decisions. Some families are scattered all over and they may not have contact with your client about finances. You may not be able single-highhandedly to wipe out every abuse problem, but it seems clear that if you develop a clear policy for reporting danger signs and your suspicions of abuse, you can change the status quo.
You can sharpen your knowledge of an aging client and their financial capacity by completing one of our 6 C.E. courses at Try the one on understanding the signs of diminished capacity. Sign up today and get an hour of CFB accredited continuing education. Click HERE.