How do they get the names of our aging parents? They buy them. Information is for sale, from lottery entry forms, contests, magazine subscriptions and from hacking whatever can be hacked. Identity information can even be purchased on the black market. “Information brokers” have been around for decades and so have these telephone scams. Supposedly, the entities that sell the names don’t care what the buyer does with them. There are likely millions of names and telephone numbers available to the scammers, given the nationwide nature of their ripoff efforts. Apparently, names and numbers are very easy for them to get.
Here’s how it works: The caller catches the unsuspecting older person off guard. The call is official sounding: “This is Officer James with the Internal Revenue Service and I am calling about an urgent matter! Do not hang up!” Sometimes they are even able to secure a fake caller ID that says “IRS” or looks like a legitimate government entity to those with caller ID. There were also reported cases when they used the name and email address of a CFPB employee.
They then tell the stunned elder that they or their spouse has an overdue debt to the IRS and if it is not paid immediately they will be arrested. Of course, they want the elder to use a wire transfer or a prepaid debit card so the thief can’t be traced. The frightened person will hurriedly comply and realize only later that it was a scam. In the moment of reacting to the threat, they are not thinking clearly. They are moved by fear–just what the thief was hoping for.
No matter how many public service announcements are sent out, and no matter how many Federal Trade Commission, AARP or National Center on Elder Abuse warnings are posted, the scam is still working. We at think the best way to keep our aging loved ones financially safer is to personally warn them yourself about these scams. They will probably listen to family more readily than they would seek information from the internet or official sources trying to spread the word. Of course, the IRS will never, under any circumstances call someone and demand payment of a debt. Their official communications about taxes are by snail mail.
If these evil scammers were not successful, they would stop doing this. But sadly, it works and they are relentless. My neighbors, many elders, have reported that they have gotten these calls this week. Beware. Please take the time to alert your loved ones to this problem. And don’t think your mentally alert aging loved one is too smart to fall for this. No one is immune from being shocked and intimidated by a sudden call. It can happen to anyone.
We at think the best way to keep your older clients financially safer is to personally warn them yourself about these scams. They will probably listen to family more readily than they would seek information from the internet or official sources trying to spread the word. Of course, the IRS would never, under any circumstances call someone and demand payment of a debt. Their official communications about taxes are by snail mail and that is not likely to change anytime soon.
If these evil scammers were not successful, they would stop doing this. But sadly, it works and they are relentless. My own neighbors, many elders, have reported that they have gotten these calls this week. Beware. Please take the time to alert your clients to this problem. And don’t think your ever so sharp client is too smart to fall for this. No one is immune from being shocked and intimidated by a sudden call. It can happen to anyone.
If you want to send a friendly letter to your clients about this scam and don’t have time to put it together, we make it easy for you. Just go to this link and download a free pre-made letter to send out.
Revise it with your name or firm name and you’ll look good by showing that you do care about their financial safety. You’ll never regret doing your part to thwart thieves and prevent financial elder abuse.
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Dr. Mikol Davis and Carolyn Rosenblatt, co-founders of AgingInvestor.comCarolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Elder Law Attorney offers a wealth of experience with aging to help you create tools so you can skillfully manage your aging clients. You will understand your rights and theirs so you can stay safe and keep them safe too. Dr. Mikol Davis, Psychologist, Gerontologist offers in depth of knowledge about diminished financial capacity in older adults to help you strategize best practices so you can protect your vulnerable aging clients. They are the authors of "Succeed With Senior Clients: A Financial Advisors Guide To Best Practice," and "Hidden Truths About Retirement And Long Term Care," available at offers accredited cutting edge on-line continuing education courses for financial professionals wanting to expand their expertise in best practices for their aging clients. To learn more about our courses click HERE |